Anti-Bribery Policy

Anti-Bribery Policy

Knotweed Solutions Limited will not tolerate bribery or corruption in any form.

Knotweed Solutions Limited prohibits the offering, giving, solicitation or the acceptance of any bribe or corrupt inducement, whether in cash or in any other form:

  • to or from any person or company wherever located, whether a public official or public body, or a private person or company;
  • by any individual employee, director, agent, consultant, contractor or other person or body acting on the company’s behalf;
  • in order to gain any commercial, contractual, or regulatory advantage for the firm in any way which is unethical or to gain any personal advantage, pecuniary or otherwise, for the individual or anyone connected with the individual.

This policy is not intended to prohibit the following practices provided they are appropriate, proportionate and are properly recorded:

  • normal hospitality, provided that it complies with the firm’s Corporate Entertainment Policy;
  • fast tracking a process which is available to all on the payment of a fee; and/or
  • providing resources to assist a person or body to make a decision more efficiently, provided that it is for this purpose only.

It may not always be a simple matter to determine whether a possible course of action is appropriate. If you are in any doubt as to whether a possible act might be in breach of this policy or the law, the matter should be referred to the Directors. If necessary, guidance should also be sought from the Companies legal advisor.

Knotweed Solutions Limited will investigate thoroughly any actual or suspected breach of this policy, or the spirit of this policy. Employees found to be in breach of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action which may ultimately result in their dismissal.