House Flies

Houseflies are ubiquitous with a flight range of at least 5 miles

About House Flies

Houseflies are ubiquitous with a flight range of at least 5 miles. Eggs are laid in waste or similar media. Breeding generally ceases before winter however, in warm environments houseflies remain active and reproductive throughout the year.

Facts About Flies

  • One pair of flies can produce more than one million offspring in as little as six to eight weeks
  • Flies transmit pathogenic protozoa, bacteria, viruses, worms, rickettsia and fugues.
  • Flies serve as host for Staphylococcus aureaus, Salmonella entireties E.coli, Strep agalaciae and Strep agalctiae.
  • As many as 33 million micro-organisms may flourish in a single fly’s gut, while a half billion more swarm over its body and legs.
  • If a fly deposits one bacterium on a container of egg custard, at the end of 24 hours, that one bacterium will multiply to 280,000,000,000,000 bacteria – more than enough to cause food poisoning symptoms.
  • A fly deposits thousands of bacteria each time it lands.
  • When flies eat, they regurgitate an enzyme called volidrop, along with a portion of their stomach contents, which softens their food, making it easier to digest.

Successful Control of House Flies


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