About Rats
Brown Rats are the major species in the UK. They live mostly outdoors either in burrow or underground in urban sewers. Signs of activity include well marked travelling routes, gnawing marks and greasy smears left on walls, pipes and around floor joists, against which they habitually brush. They are notoriously cautious with new objects and food sources. Approximately 50-70% of rats are believed to carry Leptospirosis which leads to the potentially fatal Weil’s disease in humans. Rats carry parasitic and food poisoning organisms such as Salmonella. Disease transmission is via infection of foodstuffs and water supply.
Characteristics of Rats
All rodents must gnaw to keep their continually growing incisor teeth at a manageable length. This persistent gnawing leads to considerable physical damage with woodwork, soft metal pipes and wiring. Adaptable to most environments, they live in colonies of “extended families” and are capable of very rapid reproduction in consequence, populations can grow rapidly which means that a rodent presence left untreated can develop quickly into a serious pest problem.
Rats exhibit a kinaesthetic memory and tend to use regular runs. Their vision is poor but smell, touch and hearing senses are well developed. Rats are agile and can climb vertical surfaces such as brickwork, in consequence access can be gained to many buildings.
Successful Control of Rats
To eradicate this pest requires a close understanding of its biology, lifestyle and habits. Pest and Knotweed Solutions Ltd has that expertise and years of practical field experience. We know exactly which product to use, when to use them and where.
Contact Us Today
If you suspect you have a rat problem, call our friendly team for more advice on 0208 087 0873.